Saturday, March 5, 2011


This is message received from Deep Consciousness - Time Travel Over Soul part of Christ consciousness from 9th dimension, incarnated in many souls from Pleiades and Tau Ceti, this message is from future, received on 5th march 2011 from 2501

“I am Deep Consciousness time traveler over soul part of Christ and Shiva consciousness incarnated in many souls from Pleiades and Tau Ceti in search for complete union with all in God consciousness. Message is for anyone who read. There is only YOU and nothing except you, you ask this message so message is. When you have intention right information will come. In your search you can always find you, in past, present or in future, in other dimensions and other cultures or in other universes. When you start your travel you incarnate simultaneously in more than twenty incarnations in different time and space continuum for one reason. To realize God consciousness to unite Christ and Chrisna consciousness to unite light path of collectivity and dark path of individuality, to unite male and female parts to unite subject and object to unite understanding and information to overcome opposite to transcendent consciousness. All part of you works together and you in 3D have opportunity to receive all information from different part of you to realize God consciousness in most perfect reality for this realization, in your reality. You have many things to learn and to discover, do not think I know everything and when you intent all your parts will come to assist you from many dimensions because everyone intent to be integrated and complete. Understanding of dimensions, time portals, time travel and consciousness will help you in this path of light, love and discovery. My channel needs to read many things for better vocabulary. This will help transferring more knowledge from future to you. I am deep consciousness part of Christ and Shiva consciousness. Namaste. ”

Ohm, the sound and the symbol that brings peace to many and contains the principle of unity. Ohm is the mantra of many and the synergistic energies of Ohm are profound. Ohm is the seed sound of the sixth chakra where the masculine and feminine energies in one's body meet. Through meditation on Ohm, one can release worry and find serenity within the mind. Ohm is that point where you connect with everything that has been and everything that will ever be. Ohm...the sound and the symbol of all that is.

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